How to remove LED matrics from F10 NBT display Display

there is step by step list how to remove LED matrics from F10 NBT Display

F10 NBT 10.25 inch display

for this you need these tools:

T8 star screw driver & small Flat or - Screw driver

T8 screw driver

First you need to remove 7 x T8 screws from the back of the display.

5 of them are holding Plastic frame and 2 hold green board.

after you have unscrew T8 scews  you can remove Plastic decoration frame:

To remove  frame,  find these plastic locks, Take flat screwdriver, lift the locks and lift plastic from the lock.

remove Decoration frame

Lift these plastic locks and plastic decoration frame will be detached.

then next move. find other plastic locks to remove Metal Frame holding the matrix.

after you remove the frame holding matrics you will be able to remove back aluminum cover

and you will see the green controller board behind the aluminum frame.

there we are, you have opened display and now you access the LED matrics and controller.

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