First you need to find Canbus wire.

This wire looks like this :  yellow with red and yellow with brown Twisted wire

Please find your car ZGW module, that is located under the steering wheel.

Unplug connector no: A51

With thin flat screwdriver push out these locks, then you will be able to

Slide out connector wires.

after removing these wires

slide them to sides to separate these two connector lines

After you remove this  you need to separate these two rows

notice numbers on the pins. from 37 to 54

you will find YELLOW with RED stripe, - Pin no: 48

And   YELLOW with BROWN stripe, - Pin no: 49

Unspin canbus wire and remove the isolation, DO NOT CUT the wire.

Connect matching color, yellow with red to same yellow red.

Yellow with brown to yellow with brown.

Then put isolation tape short other color wires.

now make connector in one peace again pull everything back to normal.

connect back to ZGW module.

now you have can HIGH and can LOW wires, lead these wires to the location of

the EVO navigation unit, you will have to connect these two wires to QUADLOCK connector.


There is your BMW Quadlock diagram:

If you look close you will find digits on the connector. Please pay attention,

Find pin NO- 9  and Pin NO-11

These are Kcan wires, they are two old form the NBT/EVO system that’s why your navigation system cannot start.

So you need to leave about  5 centimeters of each wire and cut them off and put isolation tape on each separate wire.

Now when you cut the wire.

Please connect YELLOW with RED canbus wire to PIN  no 11

and the YELLOW with BROWN canbus wire to PIN no 9

if you connect everything correct and will not mix colors,

your evo system will start.

Please do not forget to isolate two wires that were left not connected.

Isolate each other separately not to make short connections.

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